Kiron- Online University for Refugees, Spenden benötigt

Kiron University bietet Flüchtlingen eine Plattform für eine exzellente akademische Bildung. Jederzeit, überall und kostenlos.”
“Flüchtlinge, Asylbewerber und Vertriebene aus Krisenregionen werden mit vielen Hindernissen konfrontiert, die ihnen den Zugang zu Hochschulbildung sowohl in ihrer Heimat als auch in ihren Zielländern erschweren. Im Global Trends Report von 2013 identifizierte der UN-Kommissar folgende Barrieren, die Flüchtlinge für einen Zugang zu höherer Bildung überwinden müssen:

  • fehlende rechtliche Dokumente und Schulzeugnisse
  • hohe (internationale) Studiengebühren
  • fehlende Kapazitäten der Bildungseinrichtungen
  • Sprachbarrieren

All dies verhindert, dass diese Menschen ihr Potenzial voll ausschöpfen können. So entsteht nicht nur persönliche Verzweiflung – auch die Integration in und Stabilität von Gesellschaften hängt stark mit dem Faktor Bildung zusammen.”


What is Kiron?

Kiron is a non profit online university, as well as a non-governmental organisation, that provides refugees worldwide with world-class higher education and the opportunity to graduate at a university free of charge.

Are you a real university?

We are not a recognised university yet, but we are working hard on becoming one. We plan to be judicially recognised as a university by the end of 2017 – our team can also count with a group of professors, some of whom worked partly at Harvard and other world-leading institutions before, who have a lot of experience in building a university. In the meantime, our partner universities lend us their judicial status as a university. We are a non-governmental non-profit education platform for refugees located and registered in Berlin, Germany.

Where is Kiron located?

Kiron is an online based university, and therefore it is virtually located everywhere. Our first campus and our headquarters office is located in Berlin, Germany.

How does Kiron work?

Kiron provides refugees with world-class higher education and the opportunity to graduate at a university free of charge. The first two years of our degree programmes take place online, meaning that our students can study flexibly from all over the world and according to their own schedules. We carefully consider the special circumstances refugees have to face by offering additional services like preparation courses for university, language courses, psychological counselling, life coaching, hardware, internet access and facilities like our campus in Berlin where we establish a warm welcome culture. All of this is free of charge of course.

Kiron believes that the future of higher education is blended learning, the symbiosis of offline and online education. Therefore, we craft elegant degree programmes that consist of a 2 years online and a 1 year offline part. For the first two years, our students can choose courses out of the whole universe of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), the number one trend in (online) education of the last decade. Those world-class courses of universities like Harvard, MIT, Stanford or Yale are already freely accessible to everyone in the cloud. Put simply, we take these open source online courses, modify them with the latest e-learning technology like our smart contextual search engine and note-taking tool Nibster and design elegant study programs with real-life working sessions, projects in teamwork, mentoring, student support and modern, fun ways of learning and testing out of it. All of this is done with the careful supervision of our partner universities as well as experienced professors, experts in education and established educational institutions. For the third year, our students go to a classic university attending regular courses or they can continue their studies online. They can choose out of a variety of well established institutions like University of Rostock, Applied University Heilbronn, Open University of Westafrica and many others.

Do I need to pay any tuition fees?

The main goal of Kiron is to provide the basic human right to education to every refugee worldwide. All services offered by Kiron are free of tution fees for the students. However, we encourage our students to give something back after their graduation.

Is it only for refugees? How do I know, if I am even able to study?

We founded Kiron to provide refugees with access to higher education.

Here you can donate for the projekt

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